Tuesday Prayer

10am - 11am

Meeting Time


The Village Church
(in the Worship Space)

Are you looking for a few moments away from the busyness and noise of life where you can connect with God? Our Prayer Team hosts a quiet time of prayer in the Worship Space every Tuesday morning.

You are welcome to use the time however you would like. You can meditate on scripture and pray silently on your own.

If you would like prayer support, the Prayer Team would also love to pray with and for you about whatever is on your heart.

God’s word encourages us that when two or three are gathered in prayer in His name, those prayers are powerful.

If you are in need of prayer support but do not have time to stay, you are also welcome to stop by, fill out a prayer card, and leave it for the Prayer Team to pray over you. They are passionate about interceding on behalf of others, and they would love to pray for you!

More Details

Please email Kristina with any questions.

Kristina Reich