CG360 Discipleship challenge

Ready to go deeper in your faith?
Join the CG360 challenge.

In this 60 day discipleship challenge, we’ll find encouragement, support, and accountability as we commit to CG3 discipleship. We’ll each Connect with God through Bible reading and prayer, Grow in a small group of Jesus followers, Give to the mission of Jesus, and Go serve with the gifts God has given us.

STEP 1 - Sign up for the challenge

(official challenge start date is Februrary 14th!)

STEP 2 - Use this webpage to help you step into each aspect of CG3 discipleship


Nothing changes our hearts and mind like consistently reading God’s word. Sign up for the Daily Bible email and commit to reading the Bible and praying every weekday for the next 60 days.


God designed us to grow in our faith through loving Christian community. Small groups offer encouragement, learning, and accountability. If you don’t already meet regularly with a small group, consider joining one of these!


God calls his children to be generous—with their time, resources, gifts, and money. As part of the CG360 challenge, we will give regularly to the ministries of our church. If you would like to set-up automatic giving or make a one-time payment, you can do so here.


Are you ready to live more fully into the gifts and passions God has uniquely given you? When we connect our God-given gifts with His Kingdom work, it has an amazing impact on the world and on our lives.

STEP 3 - Want to dive deeper in your CG360 journey? We highly recommend that groups and individuals read Practicing the Way during this season.